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Helping Our Fellow Members
Every year we ask those who are able to help those who are less able. That’s a core meaning of Tzedakah. That’s a central Mitzvah of Judaism. This year it is especially important that those who are capable contribute a bit more than usual. By “enhancing your dues,” you are voluntarily making a contribution which will enable the Temple to welcome into membership (and most importantly, to scholarship their children) any Jewish member of our community who wants to affiliate and be part of our larger family. In today’s economic climate, many Jewish families need our help...they need your help. We can’t do it unless those of our members who have the resources step forward and participate, by enhancing your dues. Please, if you are able, fill in the form to the right. It’s a simple “check-mark” and this Tzedakah can certainly be paid out through the entire year. Your generous gift of Tzedakah will be recognized in the Temple bulletin and on a special plaque in our front lobby. Most importantly, however, it will be fulfilling an important and gratifying Mitzvah.
B’Shalom Rabbi Uriel Romano